Any kid. Anywhere. Can do anything.
Our purpose is to help our tamariki reach their full potential by freeing up their teachers of boring admin.
Our story
BusyBee was born when teacher Ngaio was exposed to the complicated, and manual nature of administrating a playgroup.
She soon thought of how thousands of kiwis are out there helping young NZers to become better at music, sports, arts, and education but are being hamstrung by the ability to scale their businesses because of the admin involved in organising their classes.
After bringing her problem home to partner Michael, BusyBee was quickly born as an idea. Michael used his experience in the tech scene to quickly create a prototype to test. After validating the idea, Michael reached out to his network to see who wanted to be involved in building the marketplace that would help grow our future tamariki, and the rest is history.
Imagine a place where your kids could try new things, meet great people, and be inspired - BusyBee is it.
We believe it takes a community to raise a kid.
Society is becoming increasingly challenged by how it educates it's children — neighbourhoods, families and generations are separated by the pace and practices of modern-day life. We believe supporting our teachers is the best way to help our communities thrive. Education forms the basis of everything we do in a society, and it's about time we recognised that this no longer begins at 9am, and ends at 3pm.

Lessons for life Blog.
Learnings, teachings, and musings for any educator to reference during their career. Helping everyone to be better one lesson at a time.
Meet the team

We've got your back
Meet Michael.
He is a Web Designer and has the job of making sure BusyBee lives up to its promises. We've got great plans for the future of kids activities, so make sure you contact us to get on board!

... and want you to grow
Meet Ngaio.
She has a background in education and has two kids of her own. Contact her any time with your questions and she will share her passion for fostering great humans.